Tips to help you make the most of your dentures

We have collected some tips to help you make the most of your dentures. Daily denture care will help reduce odors and stains, make your dentures look new and help them last longer.
Insert and remove
Your dentist or denture will teach you how to wear and remove your dentures. You can ask them questions. Before you leave the clinic, make sure you feel comfortable putting them in and out. Do not forcefully remove or remove the denture.
Your new denture may be strange, even if you have worn a denture before. This is normal because your mouth needs time to adjust. When you first eat with your new denture, eat soft food (for example, lightly cooked vegetables). Take a small bite and chew slowly. If you have natural teeth, try to use them to bite instead of artificial ones. If possible, chew both sides at the same time.
Remove the dentures before going to bed every night. This will give your mouth a chance to rest and help prevent you from grinding your teeth while you sleep. Clean the denture with liquid soap and a soft toothbrush. After cleaning, the denture can be stored in a cup of fresh cold water or dried.
Food debris and plaque need to be removed from the surface of all dentures every day. Clean the denture with a soft toothbrush and mild soapy water or denture cream. Standard toothpaste is not recommended. Clean the denture on a half-filled wash basin to prevent breakage during falling. Brush your gums, tongue and palate (squat) with a soft toothbrush in the morning and evening before you insert the denture. This stimulates circulation in the tissue and helps remove plaque. If you find that your denture has scale (tartar or tartar), soak it in white vinegar (1 part) and water (4 parts). If you still can't remove the dirt, call your dental clinic and make an appointment to re-polish your dentures. If your denture is broken or damaged, stop wearing it immediately. Do not attempt to repair, bend or modify it. Call the dental clinic to make an appointment for repairs.
Oral soreness
Under your new denture, your mouth may become a little bit painful. If this happens, please contact the clinic to arrange to adjust your denture.
If the pain is severe, it may be helpful to remove the denture at least part of the day. However, please wear dentures for a few hours before making an appointment so that we can determine where to adjust. Remember, don't adjust or try to fix dentures.
When you chew, the dentures should be fit, comfortable, and your breath should be fresh. If you have any pain or problems with your mouth or dentures, or if you need further information about denture cleaning and care, please consult your oral health professional.