Why are candy so harmful to teeth?

After Halloween, we found a lot of the remaining candy, we think we should check the impact of candy on the teeth and what you can do.
Why are candy so harmful to teeth?
Candy helps to fangs, but it's not as straightforward as you might think. Sugar is the favorite food for harmful bacteria in the mouth. When they eat sugar, these bacteria release enamel to acid.
The situation is getting worse. If you forget to brush your teeth and floss, the bacteria turn into plaque, and the plaque will harden into tartar. Both of these substances are difficult to remove and cause the bacteria to continue to corrode the teeth. Once the enamel is peeled off, it will soon form cavities. If you ignore the cavities, the cavities will reach the inside of the teeth, causing infection and effectively killing the cavities - this can cause the cavities to fall off or require tooth extraction.
What candy is the worst for teeth?
Sticky, chewy candy like toffee, caramel, chewing gum is the worst because they stick to the teeth and saliva cannot easily break it down. In addition, the slime can pull out the filler. If possible, avoid hard candy. Because they last a long time, there are many opportunities for harmful bacteria to release the acid they eat from enamel. Also worth mentioning are sour candies because they contain edible enamel acid.
Which kind of candy is not so bad for teeth?
Sugar-free chewing gum, lollipops and hard candy.
A gum with a high xylitol content, like ice-breaking ice, stimulates salivation and helps break down harmful bacteria. Sugar-free lollipops and hard candies also stimulate saliva.
Dark chocolate. It has a lower sugar content than milk chocolate and is rich in antioxidants.
How can you minimize the impact of candy on your teeth?
Contrary to intuition, brushing your teeth immediately after eating sugar is not a good idea. You will think this will help, but in fact it is to brush the sugar into the depths of the teeth. In fact, it is best to rinse your mouth with water, wait 30 minutes, then brush your teeth.