Do I need to remove the wisdom tooth?

Short answer: depending on the situation.

Some lucky people have enough space on their mouths, so their wisdom teeth can be fully accessed, positioned correctly, and cleaned. But for the rest of us, wisdom teeth can cause a variety of problems.

How do wisdom teeth come in?

Each wisdom tooth can enter completely, never erupt from the gums (also known as "affected"), or it can partially erupt.

Does everyone have wisdom teeth?

No, there are a small number of people who never have wisdom teeth. But don't confuse ambush wisdom teeth with no wisdom teeth.

What type of problem does the wisdom tooth cause?

Incarcerated wisdom teeth that do not grow from the gums can form cysts that can damage the gum tissue, roots, and even the jaws that help support the teeth. Locally erupted teeth can cause a bacterial infection called pericoronitis. This can cause swelling and infection of the gums that partially cover the wisdom teeth. A curved wisdom tooth can damage nearby teeth and cause your teeth to lose their alignment. In addition, the risk of tooth decay and gum disease is much higher in the back of the mouth.

When should I unplug my wisdom teeth?

After the dentist has seen the X-rays of your wisdom teeth, I suggest you go to the surgeon. In general, it is a good idea to do this surgery early in life because the roots and bones are not fully developed. In addition, when you are young, your recovery time will be faster. Here are some additional warning signs that prompt you to consult your dentist about the condition of the wisdom tooth:

– pain

– repeated infection of the soft tissue behind the last lower tooth
– filling capsule (cyst)
– tumor
– damaged nearby teeth
– gum disease

– extensive tooth decay

Is it painful to pull out the wisdom tooth?

No anesthesia should be used. If you feel severe pain, you should inform the dentist.

What should I ask my dentist?

– Do all my wisdom teeth need to be unplugged?

– What is my anesthesia choice?
– What complications do you want to see during the surgery? What is the worst situation?
– How is my case ranked in terms of difficulty compared to all other cases you have done?
– What are the risks of doing this surgery?
– Is my face swollen? How long will it take me to return to normal appearance before I can return to school or work?
– What happens if I leave my wisdom tooth inside?

Any suggestions on the day of surgery?

– bring a blanket to stay comfortable
– Take a tranquilizer to calm it.
– Pay attention to breathing.
– provide some emotional support
– wear comfortable clothes
– wear a silencer headset