Neighborhood Health Clinic, Inc.
Address | 121 Goodlette Rd N |
City | Naples |
State | Florida |
Zip | 34102 |
Phone | (239) 261-6600 |
Website | Click to View |
Fee | Low Cost Dental Clinic |
Accept Uninsured Patients | Yes |
Only For Low-income Family | Yes |
Spanish Support | Yes |
Need Appointment | No |
Open Time | Contact for Details |
There are many Neighborhood Health Clinics across the US, so I need more information on which location you are referring to. Here are some details about the dental clinic at Neighborhood Health Clinic, Inc. in Coffeyville, KS:
Here are some of the dental services they offer:
If you are looking for a dental clinic that offers a variety of services and accepts most major insurance plans, Neighborhood Health Clinic, Inc. is a good option. You can call them at (620) 251-4300 to schedule an appointment.